Why Gift Cards?

Always the right gift
Gift cards give your customers a quick and convenient solution to choosing the right gift.
Get paid upfront
A £50 gift card sale means £50 in your bank account today, without having to hand over any goods until a later date.
Gain new customers
The receiver of the gift card will often not be a regular customer of your store and so selling gift cards provides an opportunity to build relationships with new customers.
Increased sales
Customers will often spend more than the gift card value: to a £30 card holder, a £45 item costs only £15.
Use your existing hardware
The TeleGiftCard software works with any Windows PC so you don't need any specialist equipment. Everything you need is in the box.
Replace insecure gift vouchers
Vouchers are susceptible to theft and must be treated like cash. Gift cards are much more secure and only become active when they are purchased.
Refund on to gift cards
Instead of refunding cash when a customer returns an item, refund the value onto a gift card, ensuring that the value of the return is spent within your store.
Cash in on unused value
8-15% of the residual value left on the card is never spent - a 100% profit.
Create a customer database
When you sell a gift card you can store the customers' personal information. Use this information to secure higher-value gift cards against theft or contact the customer about future offers.
Marketing opportunities
Offer free low-value gift cards to entice new customers into your store where they will spend more than the card value and you can benefit from new market exposure.
Free advertising
Every time your customers open their wallet they see your store name on their gift card, reminding them to return.
Speedy checkout
The TeleGiftCard software processes transactions in milliseconds and can print informative receipts to show the remaining balance.
Large selection of designs
Choose a card to suit your business from our wide range of designs. We also offer a range of eco-friendly cards made from an environmentally friendly material.